miami industrial real estate market reports
Midway through 2018 we can report that the industrial real estate market in Miami remains very vibrant. The average gross lease rate has increased from $10.01 to $10.30 per sq. ft. The average vacancy rate has decreased from 4.4% to 4.1%. There has been a significant amount of deal volume, including three major sales transactions:…
For the first time, the average asking gross lease rate for warehouse space in Miami is now above the $10.00 per sq. ft. mark (but, just barely). Strong market forces and higher rents for new buildings have helped make this happen. Landlords will continue to push rates even higher, however this first quarter shows a…
2017 ends with about 1.9M sq. ft. of positive absorption. Over 3.6M sq. ft. of new warehouse space was delivered bringing our total inventory to 240M sq. ft. This being said, the overall vacancy rate slightly decreased to 4.0% and the average lease rate is at an all-time high at $9.76 per sq. ft. gross.…
The third quarter of 2017 ends with a slight increase in the average lease rate to $9.76 per sq. ft. and the vacancy rate remains the same at 4.1%. The positive absorption was only 174,347 sq. ft. bringing the annual total thus far to just under 900,000 sq. ft. Although the stats this year are…
Midyear into 2017 and the average rental rate for Miami warehouse space slightly increases… grudgingly. Although some landlords have been able to increase rates for their warehouses, tenants and their respective brokers fight to keep the average under $10.00 per sq. ft. Institutional landlords are fairly disappointed that rates have not increased higher as they…
Summary: The new year starts off with a slightly lower average lease rate of $9.54 per sq. ft. and a higher vacancy rate to 3.9%. The positive absorption was a healthy 602,988 sq. ft. The most significant disposition so far this year was TA Associates’ sale of seven warehouses totaling 550,000 sq. ft. to Brookfield…
Summary: The 2016 industrial real estate market in Miami was full of uncertainty given both the national economy and the US presidential election. Folks did not yet know if our republic was voting for more continued governmentism or Americanism again. You may be surprised at how many significant decisions concerning real estate were on hold…until…
In this 3rd quarter of 2016, Miami’s industrial real estate market experienced another increase of average lease rates to $9.41 per sq. ft. and a decrease in the average vacancy rate to 3.9%. Nearly one million square feet of warehouse space was absorbed mostly by larger, national companies. Over four million square feet of new…