Is your warehouse in Miami Dade County located within a Federal Empowerment Zones and/or Enterprise Zones? If so, there are programs that were established to revitalize certain economic areas by stimulating investment in warehouse facilities located within a Miami Empowerment Zones and Miami Enterprise Zones. Does your company employ over twenty employees? If this answer is “yes”, then you should consider consultation from REtroTax about federal tax credit programs that exist called Work Opportunity Tax Credits (WOTC).
RetroTax is a nationwide company that manages federal, state and local government tax programs which assist in acquiring significant income tax credits and incentives for all types of businesses. Federal tax credits are available which can lower employer’s federal tax liabilities and overall reduce operating expenses. The savings can be from $2,000 to $5,000 per employee per year for example.
Whether you are currently operating an existing warehouse facility in Miami Dade County or you are in the site selection for a new location, please be sure to consider consulting with REtroTax. For more information, please contact Mr. Francesco Balli, Managing Director at 786-866-9854 and/or visit